Background and Objective: The present study aimed to predict the importance of emotional regulation based on attachment styles and emotional regulation was hardiness. Methods: The study was cross-sectional. The study population included all nursing and midwifery students of Islamic Azad University of Varamin was Rector in the academic year 95-1394. Among them, 280 were selected by simple random sampling. The instrument used in this study, the scale of emotion regulation (Gross & John, 2003), hardiness inventory (Kvbasa, 1976) and Adult Attachment Style Questionnaire (Hazan and Shaver, 1987). To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results: The results showed that hardiness and secure attachment had in order 32% and 43% positive and significant correlation with emotional regulation, but ambivalent attachment style and avoidant attachment style had a significant relationship with emotional regulation. In a model of the relationship between psychological hardiness and attachment styles could predict 57 percent of the changes in emotion regulation (01/0> p). Conclusion: Hardiness and secure attachment had an important role in predicting emotional regulation. So to increase emotional regulation can be increased hardiness and secure attachment.
habibolahi, M., ashori, J., abasi asl, M., karimpoor, A., & khorani, V. (2016). Predicting Emotion regulation based on psychological hardiness and attachment styles. Quarterly Journal of Health Breeze, 5(1), 66-72.
marjan habibolahi; jamal ashori; mojtaba abasi asl; alireza karimpoor; vazife khorani. "Predicting Emotion regulation based on psychological hardiness and attachment styles". Quarterly Journal of Health Breeze, 5, 1, 2016, 66-72.
habibolahi, M., ashori, J., abasi asl, M., karimpoor, A., khorani, V. (2016). 'Predicting Emotion regulation based on psychological hardiness and attachment styles', Quarterly Journal of Health Breeze, 5(1), pp. 66-72.
habibolahi, M., ashori, J., abasi asl, M., karimpoor, A., khorani, V. Predicting Emotion regulation based on psychological hardiness and attachment styles. Quarterly Journal of Health Breeze, 2016; 5(1): 66-72.