The Simultaneity Investigation of Role of Anxiety Sensitivity and Emotional Regulation in Prediction of social Anxiety Disorder

Document Type : 78



Background and Objective: Social anxiety disorder characterized by fear of negative evaluation by others, high levels of anxiety and avoidance of social and functionally situations. The goal of the present study was to determine the role of Anxiety Sensitivity and Emotional Regulation in Prediction of Social Anxiety.
Methods: In this correlation study, 261 Tehran Shahed University students were selected by random sampling method and answered Anxiety Sensitivity, Emotion Regulation and Social Phobia Questionnaire and data analyzed by Enter regression analysis.
Results: Results that obtained from Enter regression analysis indicated the significant relationship between all components of Anxiety Sensitivity(t=3/38, 2/66, 5/37 ،P<./001) and Emotional Regulation(t=3/90, 2/63 ،P<./001)  with social anxiety.
Conclusion: Therefore the results supported the effects of Anxiety Sensitivity and Emotional Regulation on social anxiety.
