Relationship Between Health of Family of Origin and Constructive and Non-Constructive Conflict Resolution Style With Marital Intimacy: Exploring the Mediating Role of Marital Equality

Document Type : 78



Abstract [1]   Background and Objective: This study aimed to assess the direct and indirect effect of  the health of the family of origin and constructive and non-constructive styles of conflict resolutions through mediating role of marital equality  on marital intimacy.. Methods: The sample consisted of 240 married female teacher Mamasani city were Cluster randomly selected and questionnaires to assess perceptions of fairness equality, marriage, family of origin, marital intimacy, conflict resolution styles were completed. SPSS 18 sofiware and Amos were used. Model of evaluation was a good indicator of fitness. Results: The results showed that the Health of family of origine and constructive and non-constructive conflict resolution styles (Respectively, in the p > 0/05, p> 0/05 and p > 0/01)  directly with the and intimacy of the marital relationship is significant. In addition, Health of family of origine and constructive and non-constructive conflict resolution styles indirectly through the mediating role of Family equality (Respectively, in the p > 0/01, p> 0/01 and p > 0/05) has a relationship with marital intimacy. Conclusion: The results of this study can be used to increase marital intimacy, because equity in couple relationships and constructive and non-constructive styles of conflict resolution through education and counseling can be fained when they are manipulated. As the family's health and its impact on  chideren marriage can be considered  in the marital and premarital counceling by counsrlor and psychotherapists. Key words: Health of origin of family, Marital equality, Marital intimacy,  Style of conflict resolution.
