What is the reason for not receiving email or message after submitting the article?
The failure to complete the submission process is one of its reasons. All items that are specified when submitting the article should be ticked in the right corner of the page. If you have not received a message on submit article, your article has not been submitted and you must complete the registration processes.
What framework follows to submission by quarterly articles?
To submit articles to the Family Health Quarterly, you must first read the author's guide carefully and then prepare and submit your article based on the authors' guide. Please note that if the articles submitted are not written in the authors guide, they will be sent to the author for correction.
If an article has multiple authors, should the first person act to submission?
To submit the article, the corresponding author must act and all correspondence with the author will be responsible.
How we can join the Quarterly?
To join to the quarterly, it is necessary to send the address of h.familyjournal@iausari.ac.ir and in a letter asking to join to the quarterly and enter your full details along with the exact postal address.
How can I submit an article for the quarterly?
Submission of the article is done exclusively through the electronic journal at http://jfh.iausari.ac.ir. You must first register to submit the article to the site.
How long the admission of article will take?
Regarding the amount of required corrections of arbitrators and the speed and accuracy of the authors' corrections, upon final approval of the referees, the admission will take between 2 and 4 months. (Please, carefully review the author's guide section on the system first and set and submit article in accordance with the editing guide available on the system to expedite the process.)
When will the last issue be pressed?
As soon as pressing by the pressing house on the first page of the system will be announced as the new news.
8. How can I contact the managers and staff of the publications? And how can I put my other questions?
First, answer your questions in the FAQ Search, and if you do not find a response, you can ask your question through the system. The only information that are submitted to the authors through the system and email of the quarterly is confirmed, in-person and telephone conversations may not be invoked.
Does it cost to submit an article to the quarterly?
No, there is no fee.
How do I track the submitted article?
Follow by the Quarterly System and of your personal page.